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Why Holy Cow should be given the status of National Animal?

Uploaded on 21 Aug 2022
Why Holy Cow should be given the status of National Animal?

According to Hinduism, 33 crore gods and goddesses reside in the cow. In the Rigveda, the cow is called Aghanya, in the Yajurveda Gaur Anupameya and in the Atharveda, the house of properties. In our country, cow has been given the status of mother. That is why from time to time, social and judicial organizations across the country keep raising the demand to declare the cow as the national animal. Some time ago the Allahabad High Court suggested to declare the cow as the national animal. The court said that the cow is an important part of Indian culture. Therefore, the protection of cows should be included in the fundamental right of Hindus. Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) also supported his suggestion.

In fact, the Allahabad High Court said in one of its decisions that scientists believe that cow is the only animal that takes in and releases oxygen and Panchagavya prepared from cow's milk, curd and ghee prepared from it, its urine and dung is beneficial in many incurable diseases. Not only this, the court also said, “According to Hinduism, 33 crores of gods and goddesses reside in a cow… Lord Krishna got all his knowledge from cow's feet, Jesus Christ has said that killing a cow or a bull is tantamount to killing a man. Bal Gangadhar Tilak had said that you can kill me but do not hurt a cow. Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya had advocated total prohibition of cow slaughter. Lord Buddha describes cows as the friend of man, whereas Jains have called cow heaven.

This argument has been given not only by the judiciary but also by the minister of the state government in favor of the cow. In fact, in the year 2017, Education Minister Vasudev Devnani in the Rajasthan government had claimed that the cow is the only animal that takes oxygen and also releases it. A similar claim has also been made by Uttarakhand Animal Husbandry Minister Rekha Arya. She said that I believe that the cow not only takes oxygen inside the body but also releases it outside. Cow is the source of the purest state of many products like milk and ghee. So it is guaranteed that there is no negative energy inside it. Based on this concept, I think that the cow takes oxygen inside the body and also releases it outside. The cow should be given the status of mother of the nation. The other thing is that he said all these things inside the assembly.

Foreign scientists also confirm this fact. German agricultural scientists Dr. Julius and Dr. Book have also said that only Desi cow in the world is such a divine creature that releases oxygen in its breath. Not only this, Prof. According to Ronald Raite, the element present in cow's milk is helpful in the development of brain and memory power. Cancer cannot enter blood cells because of the MDGI protein.

A 2 milk of a native cow is like nectar. It increases the immunity of our body. It also reduces the risk of heart disease. Apart from this, A2 milk of Desi cow protects against fatal diseases like cancer. The milk of Desi cow is also considered beneficial for the digestive system. Due to these special qualities, old people advise to feed only desi cow's milk to young children. Not only the milk of the indigenous cow, its dung is also beneficial, which cures diseases. Apart from ancient medical practice, it is also proved from modern science that many types of diseases can be treated with cow urine.

Obviously, when so many credible and enlightened people are talking about the glory of the cow, then somewhere the countryman should understand that the status of the cow is like the mother of the nation and the new generation should also take a lesson that by serving the cow mother, not only does one get self-satisfaction, but meritorious deeds are also received.

It is a pity that far from giving recognition to the cow as the national animal, it is being ignored. Today Gomata is forced to roam the streets destitute. Sick, helpless and dying. We are all children of Sanatan Dharma and cow mother has great importance in Sanatan Dharma. But still, if the cow mother is a victim of plight, then we all have equal responsibility in this.

Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham Sewa Samiti’ is one of the largest Gaurakshashala of Desi cows in India. We protect, feed & shelter ailing, starving, destitute and stray Desi Cows & Bulls, the majority of which are abandoned by their owners or saved from butchers. Most of these Gauvansh are milk barren. These cows are brought to our Gaushala from tough conditions. All these cows are fed, sheltered, and looked after by hundreds of Gausewaks who work round the clock. This Gaushala is run and managed by saints. We do not exploit these cows for milk but distribute it free to saints / tapaswis / Gausewaks / Ashrams.

All of you are requested to join the noble cause of Gosewa by giving financial support as much as possible and help the cow mother to get her lost honor and rights.

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