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The Scientific, Social, and Health Benefits of Desi Cow

Uploaded on 28 Mar 2023
The Scientific, Social, and Health Benefits of Desi Cow

Gaumata: The Cultural Icon That Provides Endless Benefits

Desi cows, also known as Gaumata or the Indian cow, have been a significant part of Indian culture and heritage for centuries. These cows are known for their distinctive hump and long ears, and are revered as a sacred animal by many in the Hindu religion. However, the benefits of desi cows go beyond just their religious significance. In this blog, we will explore the incredible benefits of desi cows in four areas: scientific, social, health, and ecosystem.

Improtance of Gaumata

Yajur vedam says “gau samana na vidyathe” – meaning out of all the living beings in the world, it is gaumata which helps the human most. As per Puranas if you feed gau mata it will be considered as if you have worshipped 33 crore gods. In Mahabharat, Vedavyas has told that “wherever gau mata is there, that place will be peaceful.”

As per Ayurveda, Panchagavya - a mixture of milk, curd, ghee, gaumutra, and gomayam, is considered Amruth (nectar) due to its ability to prevent and cure various ailments while promoting inner peace. Individually, each component of Panchagavya offers unique health benefits. For instance, cow milk is easily digestible, making it a great alternative for infants who can't consume their mother's milk.

Desi cows possess a unique spinal cord nadi called "surya kethu," which collects energy from the sun, transferring it into the milk. As a result, cow milk has a slightly yellowish tint and contains properties that promote physical and mental strength, aid in detoxification, and improve digestion.

According to Ayurveda, drinking buttermilk made from desi cow milk daily can contribute to maintaining good health and preventing diseases. Cow ghee is excellent for enhancing memory power, while also benefiting skin and eye health. During yagna, adding cow ghee to the fire increases oxygen content and purifies the surrounding environment.

Scientific Benefits of Desi Cows

Desi cows have been studied extensively by scientists, who have found numerous benefits of these animals. Here are some of the most notable scientific benefits of desi cows:

1. A2 milk: Desi cows produce A2 milk, which is believed to be healthier and more nutritious than the A1 milk produced by other breeds of cows. A2 milk has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties and may help prevent certain diseases.

2. Bioactive compounds: Desi cows also produce milk and other products that contain bioactive compounds, such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, that have been shown to have health benefits.

3. Soil fertility: Desi cows have been found to contribute to soil fertility by producing manure that is rich in nutrients and microorganisms that promote healthy soil.

Social Benefits of Desi Cows

Desi cows have long been an important part of Indian culture and society. Here are some of the social benefits of desi cows:

1. Religious and cultural significance: Desi cows are considered sacred by many in the Hindu religion, and are often used in religious ceremonies and festivals.

2. Traditional practices: Desi cows have been used in traditional practices such as Ayurvedic medicine, which uses cow products such as ghee and urine for their medicinal properties.

3. Livelihoods: Desi cows provide livelihoods for many farmers in rural India, particularly those who practice organic farming.

Health Benefits of Desi Cows

Desi cows provide numerous health benefits to humans, both directly and indirectly. Here are some of the most notable health benefits of desi cows:

1. Nutritious milk and products: Desi cow milk and other products are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for good health.

2. Immunity boosters: Desi cow milk and products also contain immune-boosting properties that help protect against infections and diseases.

3. Anti-cancer properties: Some studies have suggested that desi cow milk and products may have anti-cancer properties, helping to prevent and fight cancer.

Ecosystem Benefits of Desi Cows

Finally, desi cows play an important role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Here are some of the ecosystem benefits of desi cows:

1. Sustainable agriculture: Desi cows are well-suited for sustainable agriculture practices, such as organic farming, which help to promote healthy soil and biodiversity.

2. Soil health: Desi cows contribute to soil health by providing natural fertilizer in the form of manure, which contains essential nutrients and microorganisms.

3. Carbon sequestration: Desi cows can help to sequester carbon by promoting the growth of vegetation, which absorbs carbon from the atmosphere.

Desi cows are an important part of Indian culture and heritage, and provide numerous benefits in terms of science, society, health, and the environment. By understanding and appreciating the incredible benefits of desi cows, we can continue to support their role in sustainable agriculture and promote healthy ecosystems for future generations.

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