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Why is cow sacred in hinduism

Uploaded on 16 Sep 2023
Why is cow sacred in hinduism

Why is Cow Sacred in Hinduism

Cow is considered very sacred in Hindu religion and has been given the respected title of mother. In the Puranas, religion has also been depicted in the form of a cow. Lord Krishna used to serve the cow with his own hands and his abode is also said to be Goloka. Not only this, the cow in the form of Kamadhenu has also been described as the fulfiller of all desires. There are many reasons behind this importance of cow in Hindu religion which also has religious and scientific importance.

From the point of view of science, many such properties have been found in cow's milk and dung which help us in fighting many diseases, but in Hindu religion, the revered cow has important religious significance. There are many traditions in Hindu religion, cow donation is also one of them. The importance of cow has been mentioned in many religious texts. Its milk has been called nectar, while cow urine and cow dung are also considered sacred.


Religious importance of cow
According to the scriptures, when Lord Brahma created the universe, he was the first to send the cow on earth. Among all the animals, cow is the only animal that utters the word mother, hence it is believed that the word mother has also originated from cow lineage. Cow nurtures us all like a mother with her milk. According to Ayurveda, after mother's milk, cow's milk is the most beneficial for the child.

According to Srimad Bhagwat, when the gods and demons churned the ocean, Kamdhenu emerged from it. Because it was sacred, the sages kept it with them. It is believed that other cows originated from Kamadhenu. Lord Shri Krishna also used to serve cows. Shri Krishna used to worship cows every morning and donate them to Brahmins. It is also said in religious texts that all the gods reside in the cow. By worshiping the cow, all the gods are automatically worshipped. According to Mahabharata, Goddess Lakshmi resides in cow dung and urine. Therefore, both these things are used for auspicious work.


Astrological importance of cow

Cow has a special role in the context of peace of nine planets, it is also said that all the evils go away only by cowing. Donating a black cow during Saturn's Dasha, Antardasha and Sade Sati frees a person from troubles. When Mars is inauspicious, serving a red colored cow and donating it to a poor Brahmin reduces the effect of Mars. To remove the inauspiciousness of Mercury, feeding green fodder to cows destroys the inauspiciousness of Mercury. Goddess Lakshmi is pleased by the service and worship of cow and also gives the blessing of happiness to the devotees. Serving cow provides mental peace.


Fulfillment of desires through Gauseva
There is a religious belief that by worshiping cow one gets the desired results. Having a cow in the house is considered very auspicious for the prosperity of the house. It is said that along with studies, students should also serve cows so that they can develop mentally. Feeding fodder and serving a cow is considered to be more beneficial for the attainment of children and wealth.

There is a religious belief that a cow takes away all the sins of the person serving it through its breath. Wherever a cow sits, it purifies the environment and fills it with positivity. This is probably said because wherever the cow sits, she sits there with complete fearlessness. It is said that a cow has the ability to purify the place by absorbing all the sins of the place where it sits.

On one hand, cow dung has been used to plaster the house during sacred ceremonies, while on the other hand, cakes made from cow dung are used to perform Havan. It is believed that by performing Havan with cow dung, the insects present in the environment and around the house go away and the air gets purified. At the same time, cow urine is used in making many types of medicines because it has the ability to kill germs.


Cow related religious fasts

Gopadvamvratah- bestows happiness, good fortune, wealth, happiness of son, grandson, etc.

Govatsadvadashi fast: - This fast fulfills all the wishes.

Govardhan Puja: - With increase in all the happiness of this world, salvation is attained.

Gotri-ratri fast: - One gets the birth of a son, enjoyment of happiness, and attainment of Goloka.

Gopa Ashtami: -  Happiness and good fortune are attained.

Payovratah- Couples who wish to have a son get blessed with a child.

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