In India, cows are
worshiped considering them as deities. The scientific name of cow is Bos
taurus. Desi cow is not only an animal, but a unique gift of nature. Modern
science also accepts the qualities of cow.
There are religious beliefs in Hinduism regarding Desi
cow. Under which mother cow is considered to be worship able. Along with
religious beliefs, it is also a very important creature from the point of view
of science. If seen from the side, many such properties have been found in its
milk to cow dung which help us in fighting many diseases. The real religious
meaning of the Desi cow in Hinduism is also very important.
It has been proved by scientific research that milk,
curd, ghee, urine and cow dung, the five major substances obtained from cow,
which are known as Panchagavya, remove the major three doshas (Vata, Pitta,
Kapha) of humans.
Indigenous Draught breeds of cattle
When we are talking about best breed of cow in
India, according to Wikipedia, Of the more than 800 cattle breeds
recognized worldwide, India had 27 acknowledged indigenous breeds of cattle and
7 breeds of buffaloes. As of 2018 the ICAR recognized 50 breeds that are
indigenous in India, of which two cattle breeds and three buffalo breeds were
added in 2018.Local conservation programs are endeavoring to maintain the
purity of breeds such as Tharparkar, dwarf cattle such as Kasaragod, and
Kankrej, Amrit Mahal and Kangayam. On the basis of main uses Indigenous cattle
breeds are classified in to milch, draft, and dual purpose.
Exotic dairy breeds of cattle
Milk production in India is on a large scale and for
this there are many big dairy farms in the country, where indigenous breed cows
give many liters of milk in a day. Indian desi cow breeds are easy to identify,
humps are found in them, due to which they are also called humped Indian
breeds, or they are called by the name of indigenous breeds. Let us know about
the top 10 desi cows that give maximum milk. In this Sahiwal, Gir cow, Red
Sindhi cow, Haryanvi cow, Tharparkar breed, Rathi cow, Kankrej cow, Hallikar
cow, Nagauri breed and Dajjal cow are prominent. These are the
est breed of
cow in India.
Top Cattle Breeds in India
If we talk about the identification of Indian cow breeds name or if you want to search Indian cow images with names, then you should know the physical identification of our indigenous cows. Today, we will tell you how many types of indigenous cow breeds are there in India and where they are found.
Sahiwal Cow -
The head of
cows of Sahiwal breed is broad, the horns are short and thick, and the forehead
is medium. In India it is found in Bikaner, Sriganganagar of Rajasthan,
Montgomery in Punjab and Lyallpur, Lodhran, Ganjiwar around Ravi river. They can
live anywhere in India.
Red Sindhi Cow- Their main
place is Kohistan region of Sindh. They can live in other climates as well and
they have amazing power to fight against diseases.
Kankrej Cow- The region from south-west of Sindh to Ahmedabad and Radhanpura is the native place of Kankrej cows. They are also found in Kathiawar, Baroda and Surat. Their color is silvery brown, lohia brown or black. The legs have black markings and the upper parts of the hooves are black.
Malvi Cow - These cows are not milch animals. Their color is khaki and the neck is somewhat black. The color turns white on ageing. These are found around Gwalior. Bulls of the Malvi breed are used for agriculture and for pulling carts on the roads.
Nagauri cow - found around Jodhpur. These cows are also not very milky, but after calving, they continue to give little milk for many days. The cow of this species is found in Nagaur district of Rajasthan.
Bhagnadi Cow - This breed is found in the coastal region of Nadi river. Jowar is their favorite food. Pulse grass and its bread are also fed to them. These cows give a lot of milk.
Dajjal Cow - Another name of Bhagnari breed is 'Dajjal breed'. Animals of this breed are reared in large numbers in Darogaji Khan district of Punjab. It is said that some bulls of Bhagnari breed were specially sent from this district. This is the reason why this breed is found in abundance in Darogaji Khan. The cow of this breed has the ability to give more milk.
Gavlav Cow - This breed gives milk in moderate quantity. They are found in Terai of Satpura, Wardha, Chhindwara, Nagpur, Seoni and Bahiyar. Their color is white and their height is medium.
Haryana Cow - It gives 8-12 liters of milk per day. The color of cows is white, pearl or light brown. They are of high stature and muscular body and walk with their heads raised. Their receiving place is Rohtak, Hisar, Sirsa, Karnal, Gurgaon and Jind. Haryanvi breed comes in the five best breeds of India.
Angol or Nilore Cow - These
cows are milky, beautiful and sweet. They are found in the areas of Tamil Nadu,
Andhra Pradesh, Guntur, Nilore, Bapattala and Sadanpalli.
Rathi Cow - The original place of origin of this cow is Bikaner, Sriganganagar in Rajasthan. It is of red-white spots, black-white, red, brown, black colors. She eats less and gives a lot of milk. It gives 10 to 20 liters of milk per day. A lot of research has also been done on this in Animal University, Bikaner, Rajasthan. Its biggest feature is that it adapts itself to any corner of India.
Gir Cow - It gives 12 liters or more milk per day. Their native place is Gir forest of Kathiawar. According to scientists doing research on cow at the Central Cow Research Institute, Gir cow can increase the income of farmer’s manifold.
Deoni cow - found
in South Andhra Pradesh and Hinsol. The bulls of this breed have the ability to
carry heavy loads.
Nimari cow - Found
in the valley of Narmada river. The texture of their mouth is like that of Gir
species. The color of the cow's body is red, on which there are white spots at
various places. The cow of this breed is good in terms of milk production.