Panchgavya -A Magic Potion & Desi Cows

Uploaded on 13 Oct 2023
Panchgavya -A Magic Potion & Desi Cows

Ayurveda has established Panchagavya as an effective treatment for many systemic diseases including serious conditions. Actually Panchagavya represents milk, urine, dung, ghee and curd obtained from cow and provides irreplaceable medicinal value in Ayurveda and traditional Indian clinical practices. The treatment in Ayurveda is called 'cowopathy', which treats diseases of many systems, including serious conditions, with almost no side effects.

In Hindu religion, cow is considered sacred and is worshipped. Cow has been given the status of mother, but not only cow, but also five things related to cow have special importance in Hindu religion. Mainly five things obtained from cow are considered essential for religious rituals, worship and auspicious works. These five things related to cow are called Panchgavya, which include cow's milk, curd, ghee-butter, cow urine and cow dung.

In Hindu religion, no auspicious or auspicious work is accomplished without Panchagavya. From villages to cities, the use of Panchagavya is given priority in any religious festival, auspicious work, worship, ritual. Panchgavya is used from home purification to body purification.

It can help in creation of a healthy population, alternative source of energy, complete nutritional requirements, poverty alleviation, pollution free environment, organic farming, as well as by promoting soil fertility, earthworm production, protecting crops from bacteria Can return to nature.

In Hindu religion, the tradition of giving Panchamrit to the groom at the time of marriage is ancient and continues even today. Its scientific concept is that this mixture is anti-bacterial and increases immunity. There is a tradition of giving Panchamrit to the groom so that he remains healthy. However, Panchagavya does not mean the five elements obtained from any Jersey or foreign cow, rather it is effective only when the milk, urine, dung, ghee and curd obtained is from a pure indigenous breed of cow.

Many studies indicate that indigenous Indian cows have special abilities that help them adapt to difficult conditions, including the ability to digest poor quality feed and resistance to diseases. Sequencing the genome of indigenous breeds of Indian cow may help in understanding the genetic differences between them and other breeds, which may prove to be a valuable resource for future studies and genetic improvement.

However, recent research conducted in our country has shown unprecedented results regarding the benefits of desi cow and the Panchagavya obtained from it. The research conducted on Panchamrit of Sahiwal cow at National Dairy Research Institute i.e. NDRI has revealed surprising results. In an experiment conducted on cell culture in the laboratory of the Dairy Chemistry Department, it was found that it increases immunity. It is noteworthy that in the world of science, in the first phase this investigation is done on cell culture, in the second phase on rats and in the third phase on large animals

In the first phase of lab testing, it has been found that it increases immunity. Efforts are being made at every level to promote the rearing of Indian Desi and Sahiwal cows. The Government of India is encouraging many programs for research on indigenous cows. Scientists at the National Dairy Research Institute are working on Panchagavya and Panchamrit. Panchagavya is a mixture used in traditional Hindu rituals which is prepared by mixing five ingredients.


The three direct components are dung, urine and milk. The two derived products are curd and ghee. The ancient texts Bhel Samhita, Kashyap Samhita, Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Mada Nigraha and Rasa Tantra Saar talk highly about the divinity and importance of Panchagavya in human life. It is believed that consumption of Panchagavya cures physical as well as mental disorders. Sahiwal Cow is one of the best dairy breeds in India.

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